Tuesday, 29 January 2013

An attempt to resolve the dns name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has failed.

Hi Everyone,

I had a project over the last weekend where I had to implement Active Directory in one of our client's infrastructure.

In the past I have handled many of these projects, but never experienced the following error when trying to add a computer to the domain:

"An attempt to resolve the dns name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has failed. please verify this client is configured to reach a dns server that can resolve dns names in the target domain."

Interestingly enough this only occurs with Windows 7 and Windows Vista machines and could possibly occur with Windows 8.

This is due to Win 7 and Vista discovering the Active Directory controller in a different way than XP would do.

In my specific scenario, the client had an alternate DNS server and would like to keep it that way, though DNS is a required role when running DCPROMO.

Fixes and explanations over the net ranges from problems with a specific build of Windows to even manual recreation of the DNS records.

The fix I found worked was not found on an article. 

If you are not using a DHCP server, set the DNS settings in your adapter settings to the PRIMARY DNS of your AD server and id need be, the secondary DNS your DNS server or a public DNS server for instance Google's DNS.

If you are using DHCP, configure it as described above in your DHCP and renew client IPs.

Remember to not put your DNS server as the primary, but rather as the secondary due to the way Windows 7 discovers AD servers.

I hope this has been informative for you and I'd like to thank you for reading.

Best Regards,


Dare to dream...

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